GREAT MOMENTS OF DISCOVERY -------------------------- VIDEO SCREEN SAVER -- DEMO VERSION ------------------ INTRODUCTION Your Great Moments of Discovery Video Screen Saver will play full-screen video clips from your CD-ROM drive, or your hard drive. You can choose from three different video clips. As long as this screen saver is the one selected on your Windows Desktop, it will continuously play the video clips that you have selected. INSTALLATION Once you install the program, it will exist on your hard drive as Discovery Video Screen Saver. You can find it in the Discovery Multimedia group. Installing the program will automatically select it as your screen saver. Unless you change the setting through the Windows Control Panel-Desktop, the Discover Video Screen Saver will begin playing video after your keyboard is inactive for five minutes. When the program is installed, you will have the option to install the latest Video for Windows drivers on your hard drive. One video clip will be automatically copied to your hard drive, and will take up about three megabytes. Should you wish to delete it later to save space, look for Discovry.avi. A sound card is required for your computer to process the music and sound effects on this screen saver. If you don't have a sound card, the video clips will still play. ARRANGING THE SEQUENCE After viewing the clips, selecting your favorites, and adding them to the screen saver, you can arrange them to play in any order you want. On the main menu, the top video clip is the one that plays first, and so on down the list. To move a clip, highlight it by clicking on it, then use the up or down cursor arrows on your keyboard to move that clip. The up arrow moves the highlighted clip up one position, and the down arrow moves the highlighted clip down one position. THE MAIN MENU When you install the screen saver, it will create an icon in the Discovery Multimedia group. Clicking on this icon will launch the Screensaver and take you to its Main Menu. The buttons on the Main Menu are explained below. ADD For your screen saver to play video clips, you must first load clips into it. The Add button allows you to select the video clips your screen saver will play. The Add button does NOT add any clips to your hard drive. To copy clips to your hard drive, you must run the demo setup program, choose install screensaver, and select the clips you wish to copy. When you click on the button, a window will pop up. Then scroll through the list on the left, and click on the clip you wish to load or preview. Click on OK, and the clip is now selected and ready to play. If you have not seen the clip before or do not remember it, you can view it before deciding whether to include it in your playlist of selected clips by simply clicking on the Preview button. PREVIEW This button will allow you to see a video clip to decide if it is one you would like to include in your list. After selecting a clip using the Add button, you'll be back in the main menu. To preview the clip, simply highlight it by clicking on it, then click the Preview button. The clip will play full-screen and then you'll return to the main menu. If you want to select that clip to play as part of your customized sequence, it is ready. If you want to delete that clip, use the Remove button to delete the highlighted clip from your list. REMOVE To delete a clip from the list of selected video clips, click on the one you wish to delete, then click on the Remove button. PLAY ALL When you have previewed and decided which clips you would like your screen saver to play, you can see what they will look like in sequence by clicking on the Play All button. This button duplicates what you will see when your keyboard is inactive for a period of time, and the screen saver begins playing video clips. To exit while the Play All button is playing the selected clips in sequence, push your left mouse button, or the escape key, and you will return to the main menu. PASSWORD To keep others from using your computer while you are away, you can select a password by clicking on the Password button. Then click on the small box at the top of the password screen, and type your password. Re- type it to confirm it. If you should forget your password, you will need to re-boot your computer and re-install the screen saver. SOUND To hear either sound effects or musical pieces while your screen saver plays video clips, click on either the On or Off button by the small speaker icon. If you choose Off, you will hear no sound while the clips play. On allows you to hear either sound effects or music, depending on which type of clip is selected. EXIT After you have finished setting up your screen saver, exit the program by clicking on the Exit button. To save your selected clips and sound preference, click on the Yes button. No will not save your settings and you will have to set up your screen saver again. Great Moments of Discovery Video Screen Saver Copyright (c) 1995, Discovery Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved Screen Saver Engine developed by John Cruz Copyright (c) 1993-1995, ImageMind Software Salt Lake City, Utah. All Rights Reserved Included in this product is Video for Windows by Microsoft(R) Corporation.